Sharing ideas and all things ICT… I am a Y2 teacher, AHT, ICT subject leader and mum

Archive for January, 2012

At last! A chance to use GBL in the classroom!

After a manic few terms, at last an opportunity to get stuck into some more GBL has presented itself. Since moving to Y4 in September, I have been searching for a Wii game to use in my guided reading and writing sessions (last year while in Y5, I used My Word Coach).  I think I have found the perfect game – Margot’s Word Brain on the Wii.  It has five main games like, wordsearch, word mine, a sort of scrabble game, a crossowrd maker and a game similar to Boggle.  These allows all ability children to particiapte fully as you can find, search etc 3 – 6 letter words. We tried it out in class today and it went down a storm.

I was amazed that last year 28 out of the 30 children in my Y5 class had a Wii, and this year is no exception either.  This makes life very much simpler as the children view learning using the Wii as a treat PLUS they are all so very good at using the controls etc.  They can certainly teach me a thing or two…

So, the plan is now to utilise Margot’s Word Brain in daily sessions to improve word finding skills, vocabulary and have fun to boot!

We’re also using Wild African Safari as part of out Stories from other cultures literacy unit to enhance writin of settings and character descriptions.  See previous posts about how we used it previously.

Let the games begin….