Sharing ideas and all things ICT… I am a Y2 teacher, AHT, ICT subject leader and mum

Posts tagged ‘Natural History Museum’

Night at the Museum (Wii) Part 2

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Having researched and snowballed information regarding the eight audiotours in the Natural History Museum, New York, the children now have all the information they need to begin writing a Tour Guide (non-chronolgical report).  A selection of photographs and hand drawn illustrations will accompany the writing to make an attractive guide to provide additional information for those that visit.  I will post photographs once they have been completed.

As part of our persuasive unit, the children have compared and contrasted a variety of museum posters advertising exhibitions in order to identify persuasive devices with the hope of replicating them for their own posters.  This was very successful and the children were also able to identify who the intended audience was for each of them which was great!  Once the conventions of persuasive writing were understood, the next task of our unit was to design a poster to attract visitors.  Some very ingenious designs were undertaken, ranging from dinosaur, torch, key and Gum Gum head shaped posters.  Most had eye catching colours, slogans, imaginative lettering and important information.  I decided that a little experiment would be called for.  Instead of me providing the children with a marking ladder setting out success criteria, I wanted to challenge the children to write their own and critically evaluate against it.  Having marked their efforts I was very surprised at the quality of their evaluations.  Memo to self – I need to do more of this!!!


Art this week has involved (among other things) making Akmenrah’s Tablet complete with ingots as featured in the game.  As well as being fun, it will form an interesting centrepiece to my display!  There was a slot this morning to play the game, complete with ‘night watchman’ hats to help the children become ‘Larry’!  This met with some hilarity but no refusals, they really do love this topic!!!  I have the photographs to prove it and will post them  too!

So much completed already and it’s only Monday!  Part 3 coming soon…

(Images courtesy of