Sharing ideas and all things ICT… I am a Y2 teacher, AHT, ICT subject leader and mum

Archive for January, 2013

Bloom’s Taxonomy Y3 Homework Matrix for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!

It has been very successful with parents and children alike.  What homework projects do you give to your children?

Bloom’s Taxonomy Homework for Y3 – WWII!

A little while ago I wanted to rethink homework for my class.  I wanted them to have more ownership of how they presented their learning and a bigger choice of activities depending on their preferred subjects.  This seemed quite a daunting task at first  until I stumbled on examples of using Bloom’s Taxonomy as a matrix for activities pertinent to our topic.  The choice was there, the style of presentation was left to the children thereby giving more ownership of their learning.  The only two requests were that each child completed a literacy and a numeracy task and the total points score of the tasks totalled 20 points or more.

They had six weeks to complete the homework, some came in sooner, some complete much more than twenty points of tasks, some took enormous ride in bringing in and talking about what they had done.  More importantly, deeper learning had been established!!  Gone were the weekly sheets and tasks that were not as inspiring as they needed to be due to the weekly nature of them.  Gone was the restrictive way of presenting or writing the homework.  If the final exhibition of their learning was anything to go by then quality, substance, analytical, evaluative and meaningful learning had taken place and long may it continue!!!

This term is a focus on Charlie and the chocolate factory – both term’s matrix is below for you to see.  I’d be interested in your views…

Ten days in and looking forward…

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I originally intended to write my first post of 2013 with a reflective tone to all that has happened in 2012.  Sitting here has made me reconsider, not that 2012 lacked highlights – far from it!  But, to me, what is now important is looking forward to the future and all the new and exciting challenges that may come my way.

A week ago, I became a very proud grandmother to Noah – a real thrill which opens a new chapter of adventure for me and my family.

After school today I had the absolute privilege of watching Tim Rylands in action.  I have been lucky to see him many times previously and he never fails to disappoint or inspire me to want to be a better teacher or to try new things to encourage children to be the best they can be – that is indeed a great talent, which I fully recognise and appreciate.

Ten days into the new year and already I feel excited by the future.  This is my ninth year of teaching and I continue to learn new things which is important to me.  I am always determined to do the best for the children I teach by constantly striving to be the best teacher I can be by learning new technologies, conducting class based action research, engaging in personal research, sharing ideas and resources, constantly adapting my teaching practice to reflect knowledge gained and continuing to search for new and exciting ways to engage and motivate children.

It’s all too easy to reflect and become complacent, reflective practice is essential, and goes without saying but the need to draw a line and move forward is vital for me and I plan to do exactly that.  Setting personal targets and goals are on my agenda.  Today has been a good day!